Image Credit: 9318 by Nirma Madhoo

Nirma Madhoo. Juried Artist

Artist Statement

The digital fashioned body performs in its anatomical form,


Procedurally generated skins emerge from the digital body, confounding the codified layers of fashion.

Voronoi Lace,
Particles that Shroud the body,

Digital Body becomes Dress.
Dress becomes Body.

Drawing its title from the Visible Human Project, which created the first high resolution 3D models of human anatomy, 9318 is homage to the posthuman bodies, inscripted and incorporated (Hayles 1999) as digital humans from the transversal medical imaging of actual humans.

9318 is an exercise of digital fashion scenography in the fashion film genre.

Digital materiality is entangled with the physical materialities it derives from, and explored through fashion performance, which confounds the different orders of body and dress. As metasurface, the anatomical avatar’s skin is osmotic, becoming, as her body generates digital textile through movement in virtual space.

About the artists

Nirma Madhoo (she/her) is a fashion filmmaker and XR creator. Using a transdisciplinary approach, her practice-based PhD at RMIT University explores digital fashion bodies as performative matter and posthuman performance in virtual and augmented realities. Nirma recently participated in La Biennale di Venezia College Cinema VR and her work has shown internationally in UK, France, Scotland, Germany, South Africa, Canada and Australia at film and digital festivals such as London Short Film Festival, Berlinale EFM, MUTEK Montréal, SXSW and SIGGRAPH Asia.

Credits: Nirma Madhoo

URL: https://anatomythestudio.com/

ISEA2024 acknowledges the Turrbal and Yugara as the First Nations owners of the lands where the symposium will be held. We pay our respects to their elders, lores, customs and creation spirits. We also acknowledge and pay respects to all First Nations peoples across the continent and beyond Australian shores.