Facades of Change

Rafe Sholer

Artist Statement

This video artwork confronts the fading soundscape of Australia’s music scene. We witness the stoic facades of once-vibrant music venues, their voices narrating their own closure. Their words echo the harsh realities of economic hardship, rising living costs, and a dwindling appreciation for the arts.

The piece serves as a lament for the silenced stages and the communities they fostered. The absence of music within these formerly energetic spaces becomes a tangible metaphor for the disappearing opportunities for artistic expression. By amplifying the voices of these fallen venues, the artwork seeks to ignite a dialogue about the value we place on our cultural lifeblood.

This is a call to action. It urges us to acknowledge the precarious situation of Australia’s music scene and the wider artistic landscape of Australia. The artwork implores us to consider the cost, not just financially, but also to the soul of the city, when artistic spaces are allowed to fade away.

About the artists

Rafe Sholer is a conceptual artist with specialties in experimental sound design, music production, unique audiovisual experiences and creating communities through shared experience.

Currently an academic with The University of Canberra in partnership with Tafe Queensland, Rafe has taught at QUT, the Queensland Conservatorium of Music and LEB Education London.

Rafe’s practice-based research relates to acoustic theory. generative sound, and the role of artistic practice in raising cultural awareness and building resilient communities.

Credits: Rafe Sholer

URL: https://rafe.com.au/

ISEA2024 acknowledges the Turrbal and Yugara as the First Nations owners of the lands where the symposium will be held. We pay our respects to their elders, lores, customs and creation spirits. We also acknowledge and pay respects to all First Nations peoples across the continent and beyond Australian shores.