Gifts of a Blue Pearl

Gifts of a Blue Pearl (screen grab) Epiphyllum

Man&Wah Cheung.
Brisbane Planetarium

Artist Statement

Man&Wah invites you to slow down and relax to the ‘Gifts of a Blue Pearl’, a stunning visual display born out from the creation cycles of the earth and the cosmos. It is a visual celebration and homage to the glorious blue pearl – earth, and the magnificent life forces at play from a cosmic perspective.

Man&Wah employs technology contrary to its current zeitgeist of instant consumption and speed. Rather they deliberately use technological tools to slow down and stretch out time, submitting to the wonders of gradual unfoldment – akin to the wonder and mystery of a blooming flower, or a metamorphosing caterpillar.

About the artists

Man and Wah Cheung, twin brothers, collaborate on large installations and visual works focused on the intricate beauty of plants. Their mission is to emphasize the crucial role of plants in sustaining our planet and to inspire reconnecting with nature.

Man Cheung, a 41-year-old photographer, and Wah Cheung, also 41, a graphic artist, designer, and filmmaker, started combining their skills three years ago. Man captures plants with his unique photography style, highlighting often overlooked details, while Wah brings these images to life through graphics and film. Together, they share a passion for using their creativity to reconnect people with the natural world.

Credits: Man&Wah


ISEA2024 acknowledges the Turrbal and Yugara as the First Nations owners of the lands where the symposium will be held. We pay our respects to their elders, lores, customs and creation spirits. We also acknowledge and pay respects to all First Nations peoples across the continent and beyond Australian shores.