Liquid Sky

General view of the video-installation.

Mauricio Lacrampette. Juried Artist


Artist Statement

My artistic practice is rooted in a transdisciplinary perspective blending architectural methodology with a self-taught expertise of technology and media and a lifelong fascination with mysticism.

Driven by intuition my creative exploration converges ecology, physics, perception and ontology predominantly manifesting through the manipulation of water—a symbolic element imbued with local significance. This recurring motif involves orchestrating water to behave in meticulously designed ways offering a lens to scrutinize the present through its fluid dynamics.

Within my practice, I’ve cultivated “medium-machines”: bespoke technological apparatuses engineered to reveal concealed or spectral aspects of reality drawing parallels to spiritism where mediums facilitate spiritual manifestations through their physical vessels.

By these means my work exposes hidden dialogues and orchestrates novel interactions between human and non-human entities with a keen emphasis on spectral media such as light, air, energy, data and the atmosphere considering space as an active participant. Through site-specific interventions and interactive installations, I delve into the realm of transient materialities prompting contemplation on amalgamation, chaos, and the intricate interplay between mind, machine and the essence of nature.

About the artists

Mauricio Lacrampette (1986) is an architect and artist based in Santiago (CL) and graduated from Escuela de Arquitectura UC.

In 2013he debuted in media art with ‘Medium’a site-specific work exploring the “kamanchaka” fog as a pivotal interface shaping the landscape of the Alto Patache Fog Oasis in the Atacama Desert. In 2019together with filmmaker and photographer Sebastián Arriagada founded the ‘KMNCHK ScanLab’; focusing on scanning the same particular fog featured in several instances including the 14 Bienal de Artes Mediales (Santiago) and Ars Electronica Festival 2020 (Linz).

He has contributed as a lighting designer for projects such as ‘After the Dome’ by Ephemeral Research in 2017 and ‘The Light of Cochayuyo’ by Normal Studio in 2019both part of YAP-Constructo pavilions alongside the ‘Wind Pavilion’ for the 170th anniversary of the Facultad de Arquitectura UC Hall situated in Santiago, Chile.

In 2022he collaborated with designers Diego Gajardo and Lucas Margotta, architect Santiago Valdivieso and software engineer Sebastián de Andraca to create ‘Liquid Sky’ an interactive installation/performance project showcased at renowned venues like Ars Electronica Festival 2022Museo de Arte Contemporáneoand Centro NAVE. The same year he partnered with sound artist Sofía Balbontín for ‘Polyphono’a 20-minute sound and light composition performed within a towering abandoned concrete water reservoir in Santiago as part of Festival Espacios Resonantes.

Currently works as director/producer in the collaborative projects KMNCHK ScanLab and Liquid Skyas a freelance architect and in his personal artistic work.

Santiago Valdiviesoarchitect – SantiagoChile 1986.
Studied architecture at the Universidad Católica de Chile achieving his degree of Architect in 2011 with the highest distinction awarded by the school. Since 2014 he has run his own architectural office. In 2018 he did a Master of Landscape Architecture at Universidad Politécnica de CatalunyaSpain. His work has been selected at the 16th Venice Architecture Biennial in the Young Architects of Latin America YALA 2018 call. In 2022 is nominated for the Mies Crown Hall Americas Prize MCHAP Emerge in Chicago.

Sebastián De Andracaartist and software engineer – SantiagoChile 1987.
His work explores technology and environmental observation focusing on ways to visualize and interact with natural phenomena and has been exhibited at ARS Electronica (Austria)MAC (Chile)and MIM (Chile)among others.

Diego Gajardodesigner – SantiagoChile 1992
Studied design at the Universidad Católica de Chile achieving his degree in 2016. Since 2018 he has run his own studio developing design art and architecture projects focusing on the use of unconventional local materialsthe development of innovative production techniques and conceptual work linked to the territory together with a critical discourse on the current economic, technological and industrial production system. Since 2020 he has worked as a professor at the design school at Universidad Diego Portales.

Lucas Margottadesigner – SantiagoChile 1991
Focuses his work in the workshopwhere he explores the infinite possibilities of transforming matter. Motivated by discovering new ways of doing thingshe experiments between digital and analogcombining traditional and contemporary techniques. His goal is to authentically express ideas through their materialization. With experience in artistic and spatial design projectshe has collaborated and learned from diverse industries and peoplefinding inspiration at every opportunity.

Credits: Mr. Mauricio LacrampetteMr. Sebastián De AndracaMr. Santiago ValdiviesoMr. Diego GajardoMr. Lucas Margotta


ISEA2024 acknowledges the Turrbal and Yugara as the First Nations owners of the lands where the symposium will be held. We pay our respects to their elders, lores, customs and creation spirits. We also acknowledge and pay respects to all First Nations peoples across the continent and beyond Australian shores.