Robotic Blended Sonification

Robotic blended sonification installation with UR10 arm.

Stine Johansen.
Queensland University of Technology
Advanced Robotics for Manufacturing Hub

Artist Statement

This installation invites participants to explore the inner soundscape of a robotic arm. We capture and amplify rather than mask consequential robot sounds and modify them according to contextual information. Drawing on approaches from design, Human-Robot Interaction, and creative practice, the resulting “Robotic Blended Sonification” transforms consequential robot sounds into a creative material that can be artistically explored.

About the artists

Stine S. Johansen is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Australian Cobotics Centre. Her research focuses on designing interactions with and visualisations of complex cyber-physical systems.

Yanto Browning is Lecturer at Queensland University of Technology in music and interactive technologies, with extensive experience as audio engineer.

Anthony Brumpton is artist academic working in the field of Aural Scenography. He likes the sounds of birds more than planes, but thinks there is a place for both.

Jared Donovan is Associate Professor at Queensland University of Technology. His research focuses on finding better ways for people to be able to interact with new interactive technologies in their work, currently focusing on the design of robotics to improve manufacturing.

Markus Rittenbruch, Professor of Interaction Design at Queensland University of Technology, specialises in the participatory design of collaborative technologies. His research also explores designerly approaches to study how collaborative robots can better support people in work settings.

Wei Win Loy’s research aims to augment and transform the professional practice of architecture using advanced fabrication methods and extended reality applications, specifically to facilitate complex, sophisticated architectural forms and surfaces.

Credits: Dr. Stine S. Johansen, Dr. Yanto Browning, Mr. Anthony Brumpton, Aspro Jared Donovan, Prof Markus Rittenbruch, Mr. Wei Win Loy, Jasper Vermeulen


ISEA2024 acknowledges the Turrbal and Yugara as the First Nations owners of the lands where the symposium will be held. We pay our respects to their elders, lores, customs and creation spirits. We also acknowledge and pay respects to all First Nations peoples across the continent and beyond Australian shores.